Words of wisdom from the moms at We Thrive

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is right around the corner so we rounded up the best advice that the moms from our We Thrive team could share and here’s what they had to say:

Raise the child you have, not the child you or others think you should have.

See your children for who they are and for their strengths, gifts and capabilities. See the best things about and make them feel really seen and heard. Rather than looking at what they are not doing, or are doing wrong, or belaboring who they are not, the invitation is to accept and celebrate our children for who they are. In so doing, hopefully our children learn to appreciate and value themselves the way we as loving parents, try to see them.

Ninin Sumpaico-Jose

As a first time mom, it helps me to remember that just like my baby, I am growing and learning too. It makes sense that I’m still figuring things out. Acknowledging my own development as a mother gives me more self compassion and gratitude for the gift of growing with my baby everyday.

Triza Guerrero-Cheng

There’s a lot of unsolicited advice, but the best I got were random advice after I gave birth to my first child – Sleep while your baby sleeps; At night, breastfeed in side-lying position, roll your baby to your other side when changing sides; and other breastfeeding-related concerns.

Most moms would say that the first months are the hardest, but going through it all with 3 kids, I must say that the hardest is keeping your identity in place while finding the balance between being a mother, wife, a house manager, and a career woman all at the same time. Most will ask how to balance time from all the responsibilities, but what I usually say is, you can’t. You can’t do all things in one sitting, some things just have to wait. And as much as possible, ask for help. Other responsiblities such as housework and teaching the kids can be better done by other people, like a househelp and a tutor. What matters most is the quality of time you give to your kids.

I only have 2 simple advice – enjoy the mealtimes with your family, and sleep well.

Dr. Janice A. Camarillo

A dear friend once told me “Remember to give yourself as much love and compassion as you give your child.”

I’ve had to keep this advice in mind everyday especially knowing that moms (actually women in general), have a greater tendency to put the needs of others ahead of themselves. In order for me to show up at my best and be truly present as a mom, I have to ensure that I take care of myself too. That means being okay with taking breaks, making room for mistakes, asking for help, saying ‘no’ to a lot of things, sitting with a lot of discomfort and trusting that it’ll be okay despite the uncertainties.

Paula Garcia-Ramos

Best advice I got in my later years as a mom: 😂
If you hate yourself, you probably need rest.❤️
If you hate everyone else, you probably need a snack.🥰

Advise i can give to other moms:
“Ni calvo, ni con dos pelucas.”
( Not bald, no wigs)
Which means balance, equanimity, equilibrium and not to sweat the small stuff.❤️

Margarita “Tucci” Reyes

And here’s a look back at the interview we did with Techie Duran-Dy on everyday thriving as a mom.

About We Thrive

We are trained in scientific, evidenced-based/evidence-informed, and culturally-sensitive methods in psychoeducation, counseling and psychosocial support, psychotherapy, and group intervention and skill-building.

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