Everyday Thriving: Mother’s Day Edition


Everyday Thriving is not just a concept we teach in our webinars and corporate training programs—it is a set of practices we live by on a daily basis.

As a Mother’s Day feature, we turn the spotlight on Techie Duran-Dy, one of our We Thrive consultants.

Techie is a wife, mom of three daughters (Myca-26, Cara-22, Anica-21), mental health clinician, businesswoman, PhD student–and she is also active in church and socio-civic duties. How does she do it all? Watch Techie’s insights on Everyday Thriving:

In this heartwarming video, Techie talks about the biggest challenges and rewards of motherhood. She also shares her Everyday Thriving practices such as gratitude, prayer, mindfulness, communing with nature, nurturing connections, finding purpose and doing things with love.

What are your practices for Everyday Thriving? Which ones did you learn from you mom?

We Thrive celebrates and appreciates the strength of all mothers who have nurtured us in many wonderful ways. Happy Mother’s Day!

About We Thrive

We are trained in scientific, evidenced-based/evidence-informed, and culturally-sensitive methods in psychoeducation, counseling and psychosocial support, psychotherapy, and group intervention and skill-building.

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