We begin by learning about your vision of thriving and wellbeing, the steps you’ve taken towards this direction, and the challenges you face.
Our team creates a Road Map to Thriving based on an understanding of your needs and desired outcomes, emphasizing the importance of culture-building through wellbeing practices that catalyze transformation at the individual and organizational levels.
Research shows that wellbeing initiatives in the workplace do matter.
Many studies have shown a direct link between productivity levels and the general health and wellbeing of the workforce.
A study conducted by Accenture revealed that “companies that have a supportive culture around employees’ mental health enable workers to be more open and seek help.”
It’s All of Us Research,
Accenture, 2018
Employees in supportive companies are also more motivated and more loyal. When employers create a culture that supports mental health, workers are more than twice as likely to say they love their job. They are also more likely to plan to stay with their employer for at least the next year.
There is strong evidence that workplaces with high levels of mental wellbeing are more productive. Addressing wellbeing at work increases productivity by as much as 12%.
Data from previous pandemics, particularly after quarantine, suggest that healthcare workers tend to develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and substance use disorders.
During this COVID-19 pandemic, preliminary data from China and Italy offer further evidence; healthcare workers in China reported depression (in 50.3%), anxiety (44.6%), and insomnia (34.0%).
British Medical Journal
BMJ 2020; 369:m1815
The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly emphasized that taking care of one’s mental health is key to being resilient in the fight against COVID-19.
By putting the mental health and wellbeing needs of our healthcare workers at the forefront, we are ensuring that people who play the most vital role in this time of crisis will be able to sustain their capacity to care for and protect others in a competent and compassionate way.
We Thrive offers a variety of programs for
individuals, schools, non-profit organizations, and corporations.
We Thrive helps students grow into happy, successful, and well-adapted adults, who in turn can positively affect the health and wellbeing of their community
We Thrive’s Clinical Services addresses mental health & wellbeing needs among individuals within the context of family and community