The much awaited book “Thrive! A Parent’s Journey to Resilience” has recently been published!
Written by We Thrive clinicians Cherie Lo, Dr. Jabby Herrera, Malyn Domingo and Rhoanne Ramas, together with We Thrive co-founder Mel Tan and former We Thrive consultant Karyl Abog, “Thrive!” tackles the neuroscience of stress, how it affects parenting and gives concrete strategies for parents to navigate the ever-changing landscape of childrearing.

“Stress is a common experience in our lives. It affects us in different ways depending on our background, our vulnerabilities, and our strengths. Most of us can cope. Stress can even lead to growth. But what happens when stress becomes chronic, unpredictable, and intense?”
A group of clinicians breaks down the science of stress in simple and accessible language. They have compiled valuable insights on mental health practices from years of experience and research. Complete with tools necessary to develop self-care and compassion, this book will help readers navigate their road to resilience and, in turn, raise resilient children”
Here are some of the photos from the book signing at the Manila International Book Fair where the signed copies of the books were sold out!

Copies of Thrive! are available at the We Thrive Clinic in Tektite and online through Lazada and Shopee.