We are marking one year since COVID-19 became a pandemic,
causing unprecedented disruption to lives and economies. By now we have all realized that there is no quick fix to this global crisis, and that despite the availability of vaccines, we would have to cope with a world that will look and feel very different from the one we left behind. Social distancing and masking will continue in the foreseeable future, livelihoods need to be rebuilt, and work systems redesigned. There is no denying, we are facing hard realities ahead. Yet, these challenges are most certainly not beyond us to embrace and overcome. These pivotal moments of change give us the opportunity to step out of living on autopilot mode, and to rediscover life by digging deeper into our whys and connecting with a sense of meaning that is larger than ourselves. When the outside world is shaking with uncertainty and change, we can always turn into our inner world for the grounding power of purpose.
The UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center defines purpose as “an abiding intention to achieve a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world.” Researchers have discovered that a sense of purpose is linked to a number of good outcomes, across the lifespan, including:
- Higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction
- Better educational outcomes
- Physical agility
- Greater cognitive functioning
- Lower stress levels
- Greater personal growth, integrity, and health
- Boosts work experience and wellbeing
- Greater longevity
It is clear that purpose is vital to our wellbeing and resilience. Especially when we are experiencing suffering or difficulty, enlarging our perspective allows us to redefine our experience so that instead of caving in to helplessness and despair, we are held by a vision of the greater good that empowers us to SEE and BE beyond our adversity. Spiritual teacher Michael Bernard Beckwith urges us “to make goals that are worthy of our souls.” He says:
“We are here in this world to let something unfold from within us.”
This way of looking at purpose invites us to seek outside conditioned expectations and goals that are externally defined and imposed upon us, and instead to really pause and consider, “What am I a commitment to? What difference do I want to make in this planet? How is life manifesting through me?” When we connect with our purpose, we always find others traveling the same path which also decreases our feelings of separateness and isolation. Purpose draws us into the greatness of humanity, the seeds of which are in each one of us, waiting to be nurtured.
Studies show that purpose is not a fixed goal or destination, but something that evolves throughout our lifespan. Purpose is a journey and a practice. We can tap into the power of purpose at any time in our life, if we’re willing to explore what matters to us, what kind of person we want to be, and act in alignment with the person we want to become (greatergood.berkeley.edu). There are many ways to practice stepping back and gaining a better view of our North Star. We are in the best of times to discover the inextinguishable light within us and to hold this up boldly as walk forward to our future.
Practices for Cultivating Purpose
1. Identify your values
The first step in cultivating purpose is understanding what is deeply important to you. These are your values and motivations. Give some thought to your values and write them down. Notice how they show up in your day-to-day life. When you uncover what values are most important to you and keep them front and center in your mind, it can transfer even the most mundane tasks into a more meaningful experience.
2. Pause
Once you clarify your core values, the next step is to find ways to apply them in a range of situations. How do you do this? Take a moment to pause. Make a habit of pausing for short moments throughout the day. A great opportunity for this time of reflection is when you’re transitioning to other activities. Take a mindful breath and bring yourself back into the moment. Then think about the next activity you will be doing and how it connects with your deeper values. Noticing how you apply your values to everyday tasks helps strengthen them in the mind and deepen your sense of purpose.
3. Reflect and reframe
When you find yourself in a challenging situation, reframing your experience within the lens of your purpose can help shift your perspective. Even small annoyances and daily frustrations can help us sharpen this skill, and that prepares us to weather the big storms of life. In a stressful or challenging situation, bringing our values to mind can put us back in the driver’s seat, shifting our focus to the things we can control. Instead of powerless, we feel empowered, and as a result, we are less defensive and better able to manage our feelings and reactions. The one thing that is always within your control is your perspective, and with the right perspective, even the most challenging situations in life can become deeply meaningful.
4. Act with you purpose in mind
Lead by example. Sometimes the problems happening every day in the world seem insurmountable. When you find yourself caught up in diagnosing the world’s problems, consider what you can do to lead by example. Is there a small step you can take that would help in this moment? Or, is there a simple shift in perspective that can help you see things in a new light? Use your values as a guiding principle in the things you do, leading by example. This can help reinforce your connection to your values and your higher purpose.